
तपाईंहरु पनि यो साईटमा भएका बिषयहरु सँग सम्बन्धित आफ्ना लेखहरु पोस्ट गर्न चाहनु भने तल दिईएको ठेगानामा पठाउनु हुन अनुरोध गर्दछु साथै विज्ञापन तथा अन्यको लागि सम्पर्क ठेगानाः deepinformation100@yahoo.com तपाईंहरुबाट प्राप्त भएका आर्टिकलहरुलाई सकेसम्म चाडै तपाईंहरुकै नाम दिएर प्रकाशित गरिनेछ ।

Get 15% Discount & Free SMS !!!

Dear visitors if you are planning to make your own Website. Mero Server International is giving 15% discount on the special occasion of New Year 2012.
Mero Server International is the first Web Hosting & Development Company in Birtamode. Mero Server International currently providing the following services:

1. Cheapest Domain Registration in Nepal
2. Cheapest Web Hosting in Nepal
3. PHP Software development in Nepal
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
5. Web Designing in Nepal

According to the CEO of Mero Server International there is free SMS service in customer account panel so every customer can send free SMS over 43 countries. You can also take advantage of free SMS service by creating a customer account from their official Website www.meroserver.com . You can send free SMS from 2012-12-31 mid night.

1 comment:

chandra said...

good thanks..

तल लेखिएको तपाईंहरुको पानामा क्लिक गर्नुहोस् यो पाना केवल तपाईंहरुकै लागि हो

?????????? ????

मलाई राम्रो लाग्ने मित्रहरुका ब्लगहरु