
तपाईंहरु पनि यो साईटमा भएका बिषयहरु सँग सम्बन्धित आफ्ना लेखहरु पोस्ट गर्न चाहनु भने तल दिईएको ठेगानामा पठाउनु हुन अनुरोध गर्दछु साथै विज्ञापन तथा अन्यको लागि सम्पर्क ठेगानाः deepinformation100@yahoo.com तपाईंहरुबाट प्राप्त भएका आर्टिकलहरुलाई सकेसम्म चाडै तपाईंहरुकै नाम दिएर प्रकाशित गरिनेछ ।

Do you know what does your dream mean ?

Do you know if your dream gave you a hint of a better or not so better tomorrow? Are you curious to know what did you see in your dream? If yes, find your dream below.


Dreaming of acorns predicts pleasant things & that much gain is to be expected. For a woman to dream of eating acorns denotes that she will rise to a position of ease & pleasure. To dream of shaking acorns from a tree means that you will rapidly attain your wishes in business or love.


In a dream the sight of a busy airport represents the desire for freedom and/or travel. If the airport is empty and deserted your own travel plans will be changed or delayed.


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तल लेखिएको तपाईंहरुको पानामा क्लिक गर्नुहोस् यो पाना केवल तपाईंहरुकै लागि हो

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मलाई राम्रो लाग्ने मित्रहरुका ब्लगहरु